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Artists Vision 

I seldom make art that is relevant to me and my personal experience, that is my way of coping and accepting a reality that otherwise would be ignored. My believe is, human beings are incredibly complex beings not only in the sense of our physical body and biology but most importantly psychologically and emotionally, a reality that everybody can vividly experience but it does not have a physical form, its unexplained, science’s attempt to understand psychological reality falls short But Art is the common language which enables us to understand that vividly unseen reality, it is through art and abstract thinking that we are able to understand each other’s reality and reconnect. A beautiful poetry, a magnificent painting, an overwhelming music are all things that were experiences, emotions and thoughts of a person who through the language of Art attempted to communicate moreover when making art every individual need a great self-study, and that study is the greatest therapy, knowing one’s self and what is stored in our subconscious. How beautifully and purposefully everything is created can be mostly understood through the language of art. Through my study and research I find my topic of interest, the more I dived into it, the more beautiful and clear my understanding of reality became. Transforming that idea into an Art piece is another study by itself, gathering materials and methods that would help to create my Art work, which represents my massage. What fascinates me the most is, my Art shows a different side to different individuals, aspects that were not part of my intention but somehow from the back of my mind found their way to my Art without me noticing until I was pointed out to, it is almost as if Art happens in one instantaneous moment, all the prepare work and study are just pathways to the core idea and Final work that happens in one moment. Language of art is as lively and fluent as a flowing river.

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