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The core idea of my current projects was “organic patterns”, harmonious relationship between elements of a whole, characterized by gradual or natural development that are repeated with purpose and planning. Through my study I found repeated patterns and forms that are with in literally everything, things that we know of and things that we are yet to know. A simple clear example of that is the repetition of form in different organisms with fully different biology, purpose, and yet almost visually identical or wholly reversed. This was my original concept, my inspirational source that led me to choose ceramics clay as my medium, what sparked my heated passion for clay was the sole reason that there is a sense of life and endless flexibility with in clay, the way it molds and holds itself in the hands of its creator is utterly fascinating, When molding clay there is a special feeling, almost as if there was a kindle lite up in one’s heart.

While working with clay I learned a few things first was patience, patience is key, it builds up character

in both creator and creation, Second is, it’s essential to reflect on one’s self because this particular medium acts as a mirror it reflects one’s inner mood and ideas as it slowly starts to build up in the hands of one withholding emotions and thoughts and the third thing working with clay thought me was to be less obedient to my own set of rules and just go with the flow, clay has its own remedy ready to be set up right. As I was making my sculpture there was a lot of struggles and hardships many times I had to start over again and again it felt endless, it almost worn out my heating enthusiasm but I kept insisting to make it right, although the final outcome was not as I originally sketched out and plane out but instead it turned out to reflect a much deeper concept berried within my original intention, Which was the relationship between creator and creation, how fitting with clay itself. Just as there is absolute perfection with in everything that has ever existed of nature and our attempt to understanding its mechanism through the lenses of science and pondering over that with the language of art, then finally coming to a conclusion just like the clay sculpture molded, folded and set up right, everything else too had been built to serve a functional purpose and if went astray it is headed to destruction, our only role as creation is simply realizing this very idea, unlike clay we have a choice to choose the way we want to stand and hold our selves the example of that is as a living intellectual piece of muddy clay. It is almost unreal how much my concept evolved and yet a hidden aspect of it was revealed without me noticing until the very end stage. I would say the most valuable outcome of this project was not the final Art piece, but the thought process and making stages that illuminated enlightenment with in me.

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